Living Overseas with a Medical Problem? It is Possible

A Simple Guide To Choosing Dental Floss

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Dental floss is dental floss, right? If you’ve been relying on the samples that your dentist sends home with you after a cleaning and thus have not gone shopping for dental floss in years, you might be surprised by how many options there are in the tooth care aisle. There are different flavors, non-waxed and waxed options, a fancy variety known as “comfort floss” and even those little pick-floss things. Which one do you pick? Read More»

Saving Your Relationship With Couples Therapy

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Often, couples go through difficult times where communication breaks down and either one or both parties is unhappy. Whether you are married or just in a committed relationship, sometimes counseling or therapy is needed to help salvage the relationship. This type of counseling is usually performed by a licensed therapist who specializes in this type of help. While it may not save all marriages, it can be a useful tool in helping identify issues and correct them. Read More»

How To Keep Your Children From Getting Sick When Going Into A Children's Clinic For A Check-Up

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When taking your child in for a wellness check-up, the last thing that you want them to do is get sick. This can often be hard to do because the children’s clinic will likely be full of sick children coming in for doctor’s appointments. However, there are some things that you can do to try and make sure that your child doesn’t get sick while they are in the clinic. Read More»

Tips For Allergy-Proofing Your Bedroom

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Besides seeing your allergy physician for medications if you need them, you can take steps to manage your allergies at home by turning your bedroom an allergen-free zone. While it isn’t possible to totally eliminate every allergen in your home, you can greatly reduce them in your bedroom where you spend a great deal of time. Here are some things you can do. Reduce Upholstery And Fabric Fabric catches dust and becomes a breeding ground for dust mites that can irritate your allergies. Read More»

Hearing Loss Causes And Symptoms

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If you are suffering from hearing loss, even if it’s just temporary, it can be a very frustrating experience. Hearing loss may come on suddenly, or may be a gradual process. It can be a mild case, or it could result in difficulty having conversations, or even worse, permanent deafness. When you see your medical doctor, they will look to see how fast your hearing loss is progressing in order to determine the correct treatment for your hearing issues. Read More»