Living Overseas with a Medical Problem? It is Possible

Signs You May Benefit From Varicose Vein Surgery

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Not all varicose veins need to be removed or treated. Some people can live with a few varicose veins for years and essentially suffer no ill effects from them. But other times, varicose veins do become a nuisance, and you may want to pursue treatment to get rid of them. Here are the key signs you may be a good candidate for varicose vein surgery. Your legs feel heavy and uncomfortable. Read More»

Know These 5 Benefits Of Massage Therapy

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Is your body feeling tense and you need to find a way to relax? You may be best visiting a massage therapist to get the relief that you need. Here are a few benefits of getting a professional massage. Stress And Anxiety Reduction A massage does not only help reduce the stress on your body, but it can help reduce the stress on your mind as well. Massage therapy is known to help promote relaxation, which reduces those feelings of stress and anxiety. Read More»

5 Things To Know About PRP Injections

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Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections have cosmetic and medical uses. PRP therapy is getting more common, so there’s a chance you might have this treatment at some point. The injections are considered regenerative treatments because they help your body repair itself. Here’s an explanation of how PRP therapy is done and the types of conditions it might treat.  1. A Blood Sample Is Needed To Make PRP PRP is platelet-rich plasma that’s derived from a sample of your blood. Read More»

Six Things To Be Aware Of When Starting Botox

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One of the biggest decisions patients need to make when it comes to botulinum injection treatments to prevent and reduce the appearance of wrinkles is when to start.  The following are six things to be aware of about deciding when to start injection treatments.  Preventive treatment early on may lead to more success. Deciding the right time to start treatment is important since preventive treatment early on can allow a patient to achieve the best possible results from injections. Read More»

What Is A Speech Pathologist, And How Can They Work With Your ENT

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Many believe that a speech pathologist is only concerned with helping those with difficulty speaking. However, this is just one small part of what these professionals do. In reality, speech pathologists play an important role in evaluating and treating a wide range of disorders that can affect your ability to communicate effectively. ENTs, or otolaryngologists, are doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions that affect the ears, nose, and throat. Read More»