Living Overseas with a Medical Problem? It is Possible

What You Should Know About The HCG Diet

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There are many different types of eating plans and diets around that promise to help you lose weight, even if every other diet you have tried hasn’t worked. One such diet you might want to consider is called the HCG diet. This diet uses drops of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which is a hormone usually produced by women during pregnancy. The diet originated when it was discovered that HCG can help curb the appetite and burn excess body fat. Read More»

Helping A Parent Cope With Alzheimer's Disease

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If you have an elderly parent that is dealing with the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s Disease, you will want to help them cope with the changes they are starting to endure. When the process is first beginning, your parent will want to continue living as they have been while doing activities that they enjoy. It is important to allow them to keep their independence until symptoms worsen so their quality of life is not compromised too early in the disease. Read More»

Three Pediatric Dental Issues That Can Be Treated With Laser Dentistry

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Lasers are taking the world of dentistry by storm. With new treatments being developed and perfected every day, lasers may soon become a big part of dentistry due to their quick and almost painless approach. Below are three ways laser treatments can be used to treat your child’s dental problems. The Release of Tongue Ties Tongue ties can have a significant impact on a young child’s nutritional intake, as well as their speech development. Read More»

A Simple Guide To Choosing Dental Floss

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Dental floss is dental floss, right? If you’ve been relying on the samples that your dentist sends home with you after a cleaning and thus have not gone shopping for dental floss in years, you might be surprised by how many options there are in the tooth care aisle. There are different flavors, non-waxed and waxed options, a fancy variety known as “comfort floss” and even those little pick-floss things. Which one do you pick? Read More»

Saving Your Relationship With Couples Therapy

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Often, couples go through difficult times where communication breaks down and either one or both parties is unhappy. Whether you are married or just in a committed relationship, sometimes counseling or therapy is needed to help salvage the relationship. This type of counseling is usually performed by a licensed therapist who specializes in this type of help. While it may not save all marriages, it can be a useful tool in helping identify issues and correct them. Read More»