Tips For Allergy-Proofing Your Bedroom
Besides seeing your allergy physician for medications if you need them, you can take steps to manage your allergies at home by turning your bedroom an allergen-free zone. While it isn't possible to totally eliminate every allergen in your home, you can greatly reduce them in your bedroom where you spend a great deal of time. Here are some things you can do.
Reduce Upholstery And Fabric
Fabric catches dust and becomes a breeding ground for dust mites that can irritate your allergies. For that reason, you should remove as much fabric as you can. For instance, replace heavy drapes with light curtains you can take down and wash in hot water on a regular basis. Avoid fabric blinds, and choose washable ones instead.
You should also consider removing the carpet in your bedroom. Wood, vinyl, or tile floors are much easier to keep free from dust. If you need extra warmth on the floor, you can add lightweight area rugs that are easy to wash.
You may need to remove upholstered chairs and your headboard too, if it is covered in fabric. Consider covering your mattress, box springs, and pillows in allergy-free covers that are easy to wipe clean. Your other bedding should be washed at least weekly in hot water to kill off dust mites and other allergens. The temperature of the wash water or dryer should be at least 130 degrees to be effective.
Control The Climate
While you may be tempted to open the windows and let in a cool breeze, you'll also let in allergens. It's probably best to keep your windows closed, and rely on air conditioning and air filters to keep the air in your bedroom clean. You may need to run a dehumidifier in the summer to keep the room dry enough so mold doesn't grow and aggravate your allergies.
It's probably easiest to install a filter and humidification system on your central HVAC and control the climate in your entire home. If that isn't possible, you should consider buying a window unit for your bedroom to use in the summer. You can buy a small HEPA air filter for the room too, to help purify the air. A HEPA filter doesn't help much with dust mite allergens, because they are heavy and fall to the floor. An air filter is more effective at removing allergens that stay aloft and float through the air such as pet dander, pollen, and mold spores.
Declutter Your Room
The fewer things you have in your bedroom, the fewer places there are for allergens and dust to collect. Unless you want to spend a lot of time cleaning the room, find another place to store books, stuffed animals, and other nicknacks. Your bedroom will be so much easier to clean if you can quickly wipe down all the surfaces in the room and wash all fabric items on a regular basis.
You may want to keep your dog and cat out of the bedroom too. Even if you aren't allergic to pet dander, your pets may track in pollen and other allergens after they play outdoors. It would take a lot of work to keep your entire home free from allergens, so that's why it's a good idea to put a lot of effort into turning your bedroom into an allergy-free oasis. Then you can sleep peacefully, and have a place to escape when your symptoms start bothering you.