Helping A Parent Cope With Alzheimer's Disease
If you have an elderly parent that is dealing with the beginning stages of Alzheimer's Disease, you will want to help them cope with the changes they are starting to endure. When the process is first beginning, your parent will want to continue living as they have been while doing activities that they enjoy. It is important to allow them to keep their independence until symptoms worsen so their quality of life is not compromised too early in the disease. Here are some tips you can use to help keep your parent safe and active while exhibiting some of the beginning symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease.
Safety-Proof the Home
After you have gotten the diagnosis that your parent definitely has Alzheimer's Disease, take the time to make their home safe. Remove any area rugs so there is less chance of slipping. Remove any clutter from the home and keep electrical wires close to the outlets so they do not become hazards. Keep sharp objects, medicines, or other hazardous materials locked up. Install handrails near the shower and toilet in the bathroom.
Keep A Routine
Your parent will benefit most by having a routine they can count on. Doing the same activities at approximately the same time every day can help your parent remember to do certain things because of the repetition. Schedule tasks that are a little more difficult at times when your parent seems to be at their mentally best. For many Alzheimer's patients, this is in the morning.
As elderly Alzheimer's patients tire with the day, it will become more difficult to do individual tasks, so they may need more help in the afternoon and nighttime hours. Have your parent do things on their own when they seem to be remembering things. This will help build their self-esteem and feeling of self-worth.
Keep Things Organized
Keeping items around your parents home organized will help reduce frustration and will help with memory skills. Keep a list of important phone numbers by the telephone, including the name and reason your parent may want to call each person. Place pictures on cabinets with the contents to help them find things when they need them.
Make a map of the area showing where their home is located to leave in a coat pocket or purse in case they have trouble finding their home. Have designated areas for important items like keys or glasses so your parent will know where to find them. Talk to a professional like ComForcare - Mississippi, MS for assistance.