If you are suffering from motor issues, then physical therapy can help to improve any joint stiffness and lack of movement. Physical therapy is usually intense and it requires months of consistent practice before you notice large improvements. While the process often yields great results, it can also result in muscle soreness. The more severe your arthritis or motor issues are then the more soreness that you may experience. The soreness can be difficult to endure, luckily, there are a few essential oils that you can use to ease muscle soreness during physical therapy. Read More»
If you are a restaurant server, you might enjoy working a fast-paced job and meeting new people on a daily basis. However, one thing you might not like is the impact on your body. For example, being on your feet all day long in a restaurant setting can lead to discomfort at the end of the day. It can even cause permanent damage to your feet if you aren’t careful. Luckily, following a few tips can help you prevent foot damage and can assist you in being as comfortable as possible while you’re working – and after you get off work. Read More»
If your hospital has recently hired some fresh business college graduates, or you have some more experienced executives starting their new jobs, there are probably several types of training you still want them to complete before they can fully engage in their responsibilities. Among those trainings, you may want them to complete a biomedical CAPA training. Here are three good reasons for making sure your hospital executive staff has either had this training, completes this training before starting their jobs, or refreshes this training and understands how it applies to the work you expect them to do. Read More»
If you struggle with any chronic aches and pains, you may want to consider some alternative methods of pain relief in conjunction with your medical treatment plan. These options are not recommended as a substitute for medical treatment, but may expedite recovery and healing when you are using them in a collaborative approach with other treatment modalities. Talk with your provider about conditions that can be alleviated with the following holistic options: Read More»
When you think of “assisted living,” you probably think of nurses helping the elderly. While that is true, and probably the most common type of assisted living, assisted living facilities and nurses help many other groups of people too. If you or a family member requires more care than everyone around you can give, age and/or physical ailment is no barrier. Here are the other patient groups that assisted living nurses and supportive, in-home care can help. Read More»
Earwax is produced naturally in your ear to help keep out foreign objects that could cause blockages or infections, especially near the eardrum. Knowing how to properly deal with excessive earwax in your ears is crucial to ensuring the well-being of your hearing and to prevent debilitating ear injuries. In this article, you will learn how an earwax blockage can affect your hearing and ways to safely remove it so as to keep your ears healthy. Read More»
You look forward to getting out on your favorite route and jogging or running for exercise. There are two foot injuries that runners experience that could keep you from getting out of bed. Plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendinitis can both be so painful that you can’t put weight on your foot. Here is how to recognize these foot problems and what to do to get back on your feet.
Plantar Fasciitis Read More»
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a neurodegenerative condition, much like Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia. However, CTE is associated with repetitive trauma, which can occur through contact sports or high-risk professions. Although there is no cure, there are steps you can take to slow cognitive decline if you are at risk for CTE.
Take Head Injuries Seriously
Although much of the emphasis surrounding CTE has focused on professional football, the risk is high with contact sports of any kind and at any age. Read More»
Hearing aids are delicate, expensive technological devices that are made with intricate and tiny components which can be easily damaged if not taken care of properly. Here are the basics new users need to know to protect the hearing aid and to make sure you get the most you can from it.
What to Avoid:
There are several things that can cause damage to the sensitive parts of your hearing aids if it is not carefully protected. Read More»
The pain in your wrists and hands has now advanced into numbness in your hands and fingers, making picking up and holding items difficult. This is common in advanced carpal tunnel syndrome and you should seek help before the condition causes permanent damage. A hand specialist will evaluate the extent of the damage and offer treatment to prevent it from getting worse. Here is what you need to know about this painful condition and what help is available. Read More»