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Signs That You May Have Surfers Ear

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If you do a lot of surfing, it would be ideal to make sure that you are wearing surfer ear plugs every time you go out in the water. When you don’t, you run the risk of developing surfers ear, which can be painful. To help you decide if this is something that you have developed, you will want to check out the following signs of this issue. Decreased Ability To Hear Read More»

Three Types Of Meningitis And Why A Brain Specialist May Be Needed

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Meningitis is an inflammation that attacks the meninges of the brain. The meninges are three very thin layers of tissue that lay just under your skull and over your brain. They serve different functions, such as neural nets to send signals to the brain, and protection for primal functions. When any of the meninges are attacked, you suffer from meningitis. There are three types of meningitis and it can attack anyone at any age. Read More»

Should I Take My Child Who Isn't Eating To Urgent Care?

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There are some kids who just don’t want to eat. This can be alarming for some parents because they may fear whichever medical problems may be causing this effect. They may even feel like they need to take their child to urgent care. But in some cases, your child might simply not feel like eating or may be a picky eater. Not Eating Is Not Normal It is not normal for a child to not want to eat for an extended period of time. Read More»

3 Things To Know About Teens And Depression

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If you have noticed signs of depression in your teenager lately and are worried about him or her, it might be wise to take the teen to a doctor. Depression in teens is not uncommon. In fact, approximately 20% of all teens in the U.S. suffer from depression at some point in their life before they become adults. Here are three important things to understand about teens and depression. The Signs of Depression Read More»

3 Tips For Managing Arthritic Hands

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When arthritis affects your hands, it can have a drastic impact on your life and even the simplest activities. There are several strategies to help reduce pain and regain your functionality. Use Anti-inflammatory Strategies The most common method of reducing inflammation in your hands is to use over-the-counter (OTC) anti-inflammatory pain medications (NSAIDs). This is an acceptable way to manage arthritis if you find the worst of your pain is occasional, since long-term use of NSAIDs can cause serious side effects. Read More»

3 Things To Know About Candida Overgrowth

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Are you confused as to why you are bloated all the time? There are many things that can cause you to become bloated, such as having too much candida in your body. Candida overgrowth can actually be treated and brought under control if it is the cause of your condition. Keep in mind that failing to seek treatment for candida can actually lead to you experiencing additional systems. This article will give you some more insight in regards to suffering from an overgrowth of candida. Read More»

4 Skin Services To Help You Look Your Best

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The key to being able to enjoy life may rest in having the amount of self-confidence you need to do so. You’ll want to get out and do things besides going just going to work each day. The key to your happiness may rest in taking some time for yourself and receiving some skin services. Getting the ideal ones can allow you to look your best. Being aware of some top types to choose from is sure to be beneficial to you! Read More»

Are You A Frequent Traveler? Watch Out For These Habits That Lead To Back Pain

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If you are a frequent traveler who is struggling with chronic back pain, then you need to examine if your habits are causing or contributing to the pain. Here are some of the bad habits you need to watch out for: Wearing High Heels According to the American Osteopathic Association, heel pain isn’t the only form of pain your high heels can give you; high heels can also lead to back pain. Read More»

3 Things Parents Need To Know About The Croup

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As the winter season approaches many babies and young children will become sick. This is simply a by-product of the weather and the fact that people tend to stay in close quarters and indoors so the germs are more present. The croup is a common childhood illness and can become severe if not properly watched and treated. Here are some things that you should know about the croup. 1. Croup Is Most Common In Younger Children Read More»

3 Tips To Make Airline Traveling More Comfortable When You Suffer From Lower Back Pain

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If you get treatment on a regular basis from a chiropractor at a clinic like SpineCare Chiropractic Daniel S. Wright, D.C. for lower back pain, traveling can present a unique challenge. You are putting yourself in a situation where you may stress out your back while you are away from your regular care provider. Here are a few tips to help ensure that you are comfortable and don’t hurt your back while traveling via airplanes this holiday season. Read More»