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What Is Dry Socket, Actually?

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If you’ve just had your wisdom teeth removed, your dentist or oral surgeon probably mentioned something about dry socket as you were leaving the office. He or she probably told you not to use a straw to drink and not to swish anything around too hard in your mouth, lest you develop this condition. But do you really know what dry socket is or how it develops? Here’s a look at a few more details about this condition, so you can prevent, identify and – if needed – treat it as well as possible. Read More»

Durable Medical Equipment And Insurance

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Durable medical equipment or DME falls under its own special category in insurance policies and Medicare benefits. More people are now “aging in place” or living at home instead of going to a facility when they age. As a result, approximately $100 billion dollars is spent on DME each year, with 15% of that amount being paid out-of-pocket. Each year, you may need additional medical devices to maintain your quality of life. Read More»

Three Supplements That May Help with Female Incontinence

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If you’re a woman who suffers from mild to moderate incontinence and you are tired of always having to worry about leaks, you have a number of treatment options. You could visit a urogynecologist and inquire about pelvic floor surgery to improve your bladder control, or you could begin taking prescription medications to increase your muscle tone. However, these options both come with substantial risks and possible side effects. It’s wise to try milder supplement remedies first. Read More»

Window To Your Health | Surprising Things Your Eyes Could Tell The Eye Doctor

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When you pay your annual visit to the eye doctor for a checkup, if you are like most people, the main thing on your mind is whether you will need glasses or a stronger prescription for the glasses you already have. However, what many people do not know is that their eyes can say a lot about the health of their entire body. When you sit in the examination chair at the optometrist’s office, the doctor will be looking for other indications that something even bigger could be taking place. Read More»

Two Treatment Options For Tough Toenail Fungus

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If you have toenail fungus, the first treatment you should try is over-the-counter pastes or creams. They will work in a number of cases, leading the nail to become clearer and flatter over time as the fungus is killed. Many patients, however, do not experience relief from these creams and ointments. If your toenail fungus falls into this tough category, here are two treatment options to consider: Oral Prescription Medications Read More»

3 Reasons To Look For A Medical Spa Instead Of A "Traditional" Spa

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If you are looking for a few ways to improve your appearance and enjoy healthier and more beautiful skin, you might be thinking about pampering yourself at the local spa. Although spa treatments can certainly help you feel pampered and beautiful, however, you should know that not all spas are created equally. Instead of looking for a traditional spa, make sure that you look for a medical spa that has at least one cosmetic dermatologist on-site. Read More»

Acupuncture And Massage Therapy: Getting Past Fear And False Information

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Have you ever thought about using acupuncture or massage therapy treatments and were talked out of it by well-meaning but perhaps misinformed friends? Has your fear of these lesser known treatment modalities kept you from trying them? Here are five questions about acupuncture and massage therapy that should put your mind at ease and give you more correct information. Aren’t acupuncture needles dangerous and painful? Acupuncture needles today are required to be sterile, and most acupuncturists today use disposable needles to comply with that, so you’ll never be treated with needles that were used on another patient. Read More»

Five Steps to Troubleshooting a Feedback Problem in Your Child's Hearing Aid

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Hearing aids are a necessary part of life for thousands of children with hearing losses throughout the United States. Since children as young as four weeks of age may receive hearing aids, these patients are often too young to maintain and troubleshoot hearing aids on their own. If your child is one of these you’ll need to run a performance check on his or her hearing aid each day. This will help you become accustomed to its normal behavior so you can easily detect when something strange is going on. Read More»

3 Ways To Help Your Mom Or Dad Adjust To Life At An Independent Living Facility

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Even though your mom or day may have agreed to move to an independent living village, he or she may still be feeling nervous and apprehensive about this decision. While this is completely normal, it can still be hard to see a parent going through this. If you would like to help, but are not sure how to, consider trying these three tips. Place familiar things in the house One of the best things you can do when your parent finally makes the move is to place familiar things in the new living space. Read More»

Answering Common Questions Concerning Rectal Prolapse Surgery

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Rectal prolapse is a serious medical condition that can occur in aging adults who have suffered with long-term constipation, hemorrhoid problems, and diseases and conditions such as multiple sclerosis and whooping cough. The prolapse of the rectal sphincter means that the inner walls of the rectum become detached from the inner walls of the anal cavity. This condition can be frightening, but many people avoid bringing up even the slightest symptoms to their doctor because of their tendency to avoid the topic due to embarrassment. Read More»