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Two Painful Foot Injuries That Will Keep You Off Of The Jogging Path

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You look forward to getting out on your favorite route and jogging or running for exercise. There are two foot injuries that runners experience that could keep you from getting out of bed. Plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendinitis can both be so painful that you can’t put weight on your foot. Here is how to recognize these foot problems and what to do to get back on your feet. Plantar Fasciitis Read More»

Minimizing Your Odds: 3 Tips To Combat The Lifetime Prevalence Of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

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Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a neurodegenerative condition, much like Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia. However, CTE is associated with repetitive trauma, which can occur through contact sports or high-risk professions. Although there is no cure, there are steps you can take to slow cognitive decline if you are at risk for CTE. Take Head Injuries Seriously Although much of the emphasis surrounding CTE has focused on professional football, the risk is high with contact sports of any kind and at any age. Read More»

Hearing Aid Safety for New Users

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Hearing aids are delicate, expensive technological devices that are made with intricate and tiny components which can be easily damaged if not taken care of properly. Here are the basics new users need to know to protect the hearing aid and to make sure you get the most you can from it. What to Avoid: There are several things that can cause damage to the sensitive parts of your hearing aids if it is not carefully protected. Read More»

Understanding The Debilitating Pain And Numbness In Your Wrists

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The pain in your wrists and hands has now advanced into numbness in your hands and fingers, making picking up and holding items difficult. This is common in advanced carpal tunnel syndrome and you should seek help before the condition causes permanent damage. A hand specialist will evaluate the extent of the damage and offer treatment to prevent it from getting worse. Here is what you need to know about this painful condition and what help is available. Read More»

Portable Ultrasound: A Big Deal In A Little Package

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Ultrasound imaging has been an important diagnostic procedure for decades. Having an ultrasound typically means scheduling or referring a patient for a special imaging appointment, having an imaging technician complete the ultrasound, then shuffling the images back for diagnosis. While a portable ultrasound system is not a replacement for larger imaging equipment, it can be a very beneficial device for general medicine.  More thorough examination Portable ultrasound equipment is very useful for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with internal injuries or ailments. Read More»

Back Pain Treatment: How Back Stretching Exercises Can Help

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If you suffer from chronic back pain, stretching your back and leg muscles during a bout of pain might be the last thing you would consider. However, such exercises can help reduce back pain and even prevent future episodes of pain. This article will look at why it may be beneficial to consider back stretching exercises and different routines that may help ease your back pain. Why should I stretch? Read More»

7 Surprising Everyday Habits That Harm Your Teeth

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Whether you realize it or not, there are some everyday habits that you do that can seriously harm your teeth. From crunching on ice constantly to sucking on lemons, here are seven bad habits that can have a devastating effect on your teeth. 1. Crunching on Ice Teeth are designed to crush through most food items, but not hard substances. While chewing ice may seem harmless, keep in mind that when a blender does it, it requires special blades. Read More»

Exercises To Keep You From Developing Varicose Veins In Your Hands

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There are three main factors that could cause a person to be more likely to develop varicose veins in their hands. The first is gender; women are more likely to develop varicose veins because most of their blood flow is concentrated in the center of their bodies and not as much reaches their extremities. The second is weight; those who are overweight have reduced blood flow because of their increased body mass. Read More»

3 Tips To Help You Manage Your Bouts Of Gout

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Gout is a form of arthritis that often affects your big toe, but can affect other joints. In some cases, gout can turn into frequent flare-ups, destroying your joints. Both dietary changes and medical treatments can help you reduce gout symptoms. Reduce Foods Associated with Gout Since purine is metabolized into uric acid, reducing purine-containing foods can help. You should consider limiting your red meat and seafood intake. On other days of the week, stick with lean white meats, such as chicken, turkey and some cuts of pork. Read More»

Beating Eczema Through Natural Methods

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Eczema can be a difficult skin condition to deal with, since its breakouts can be severe for many people. If you want to be able to treat these eczema outbreaks as they occur, there are plenty of natural remedies that you can turn to. In that regard, you can read on to learn some of the natural remedies that will help you to contain and deal with your eczema issues as they happen. Read More»