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An Overview Of What To Expect When You Decide To Donate An Egg To An Infertile Woman

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As a fertile woman, you can help women who can’t produce an egg so they can become pregnant and have a baby. Roughly 12.3% of women between the ages of 15 to 44 have impaired fertility in the United States. This is where you come in. As a woman who can produce healthy eggs, you can donate eggs to a clinic that helps infertile women, and those eggs will be fertilized and inserted into a woman who can now experience the joys of motherhood in a natural way. Read More»

Three Ways A Compound Pharmacy Can Help You

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When the average person thinks about a compounding pharmacy, they often think about an individual with a serious medical condition, such as cancer, that needs a specialized blend of medication. Compounding pharmacies can meet even more needs. You may be surprised to discover that there are a number of everyday situations that a compounding pharmacy can help you regulate.   Drug Allergies The average medication contains a number of different ingredients, including preservatives, dyes, gluten and lactose. Read More»

Three Things Travelers Need To Know About Flu Shots

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When you take your family on an international holiday, you can be exposed to a variety of diseases, including the flu. Here are three things travelers need to know about flu shots. Why is the flu a worry for travelers? You may think that the flu is just a winter disease, but surprisingly, it can also ruin your summer holidays. At home in America, the flu season typically extends from November to April, but other areas experience the flu season during the summer months. Read More»

3 Benefits Of Seeing A Physical Therapist

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Dealing with strained muscles or other, more serious injuries are guaranteed to cause you some problems. Being able to move with ease and without pain is critical for an enjoyable and active lifestyle. However, if you exercise a great deal or if you’re involved in sports, you may deal with an occasional injury that may be as major as a broken leg or foot. This may require you to visit a physical therapist to help you get back on your feet faster and back in the game of life. Read More»

Tips For Helping Kids With Recurring Strep Throat

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If you have a child that has recurring strep throat, you likely know the pain of going to the doctor’s office multiple times, taking time off of work, and living with a crying child whose throat hurts. You are going to need to go to an ear, nose, and throat doctor in order to make sure that you get your child’s recurring strep throat fully under control. In the meantime, here are some steps you can take to reduce the chances that your child will get strep throat and that your lives will be disrupted because of it. Read More»

Two Natural Ways To Lighten Scars On Children

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Children often injure themselves. Unfortunately, some of these injuries can result in scars. If the scar is in an inconspicuous place, you may not think much about the scar. However, if the scar is in a visible place, such as their face, you may want to lighten it or remove it altogether. Here are two natural home remedies you can use to lighten a scar on your child. Aloe Vera Read More»

Important Considerations When Shopping For Hearing Aids

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Have you recently been diagnosed with a hearing impediment? Are you shopping around for hearing aids but the choices available are starting to make you confused? While your audiologist will undoubtedly have a few suggestions, the ultimate choice will be left up to you. In order to make sure that you make the right decision, here are some tips to follow when you’re shopping for hearing aids: Make a list of requirements: Everyone wants something different from their hearing aids. Read More»

Three Things Parents Of Gymnasts Need To Know About Wrist Sprains

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Gymnastics is a fun sport for kids, but like other sports, it can lead to injuries. Due to the unique physical demands of gymnastics, wrist sprains are a common injury. Here are three things parents of gymnasts need to know about wrist sprains. How does gymnastics cause wrist sprains? In other popular sports—like soccer or basketball—the legs do most of the hard work. Gymnastics is much different in that the upper body is used very frequently. Read More»

What Are The Advantages Of The Gastric Balloon Weight Loss Procedure?

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Obesity is a health condition that many people all over the world suffer from. When a person is overweight, he risks having other serious health problems, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and heart disease. However, there are nonsurgical weight loss procedures that can help patients lose weight and regain better health. These are some of the advantages of having the gastric balloon weight loss procedure performed. It Is Less Invasive  Read More»

Heroin: What Is It? How Does It Work? How Do I Get My Life Back?

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It seems that there is an epidemic that is occurring in the United States, and that epidemic is the abuse of opiates. If used properly, opiates can be extremely helpful when going through different types of painful recovery. Opiates such as morphine and heroin make the pain bearable. However, if an individual abuses these narcotics, he or she can go down a deep, dark road that is hard to recover from. Read More»