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6 Things Your Gynecologist Might Not Tell You

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You have to make an annual trip to the gynecologist or obstetrician if you are a female, and it isn't always fun.  That's when you should ask your doctor any questions that you have about your reproductive organs and sex.  There are some things that the doctor won't think to tell you unless you specifically ask about these topics.  Here are a few things that you won't hear from the doctor, unless you speak up.

He's Not Judging Your Number     

When it comes to age, it's just a number.  When it comes to the number of partners you've had, it's nobody's business…except the doctor's.  If you are not being honest with the doctor, you won't be able to get adequate healthcare.  He (or she) is in no way judging your number, regardless of whether you think it's high or low.  They simply want to be able to get you the best screening.  If you are not in a monogamous relationship, you may need different tests performed at your appointment than if you've been with one partner for years.

All Birth Control Has Side Effects    

Your gynecologist may recommend a birth control that has the least amount of side effects, but the truth is that there is no birth control on the market that has zero side effects.  Every patient is different, and what may affect you negatively may be the perfect birth control for someone else.  It's all trial and error, and you may have to try a few out before you find the one that works best for you.      

Your Cycle Length Isn't a Big Deal      

The gynecologist probably won't think it's a big deal if your cycle is sometimes 24 days, sometimes 35 days and anywhere in between.  What matters most to them is the heaviness of the flow, and the length of time that you are bleeding.  He'll also be curious about your PMS symptoms, such as constant cramping, bloating and tenderness in the breasts that can't be controlled with over the counter pain medications. 

He'll Need to Know about Abnormal Discharge     

The gynecologist is the one person to which the TMI (too much information) rule doesn't apply.  If you experience a weird discharge, you need to tell them about it.  Some discharges happen because of an infection, and need to be treated with prescription medications.  Sometimes there is an issue with odor or itchiness and can easily be treated with over-the-counter medications.  If it's embarrassing, the doctor probably needs to know about it.   

Use the Bathroom before Sex     

It's usually common knowledge to use the bathroom after sex, but did you know that you should be emptying your bladder before sex, too?  When you have a full bladder, it is easier for bacteria to get up in there and you'll end up with a urinary tract infection.  Next time, make a trip to the bathroom before you get frisky.

Stick with Pads at Night      

It isn't a dire need, but if you are struggling with urinary tract infections, it may be a good idea to go without tampons during the night, and use pads instead.  Because bacteria are more likely to grow around blood, you could easily develop a UTI if you can't change the tampon on a normal 4-6 hour schedule.  If you absolutely have to stay with tampons at night, try using pads on the weekends when you tend to sleep later. 

Your normal pap smear is an appointment that you don't want to miss.  If you are experiencing unusual pain or discharge, you should call your gynecologist or obstetrician immediately.  Your health is important and you shouldn't keep from asking your doctor any questions that will benefit your reproductive health.  For more information, contact a clinic like Mile High OB GYN.   
